Canadian National Hygiene Seminars
National Hygiene Seminars of Canada is a series of seminars specifically designed for the hygienist.
How is this series different?
Many of the seminars designed for the hygienist focus primarily on the recall exam, bleaching options or periodontal care. This is understandable considering the nature of the services usually performed by the hygienist. Yet hygienists are constantly being asked to comment and advise their patients on esthetic procedures, implant procedures, TMJ issues and new technologies.
Our program is designed to help hygienists understand advanced concepts in esthetics, occlusion, TMJ disorders, implant dentistry and emerging technologies thereby enabling them to educate their patients about many of the current concepts and treatments available in modern dentistry and create more excitement in the practice of hygiene.
Our experience has been that well educated patients are more likely to accept more comprehensive treatment. The more comprehensive treatment undertaken in a dental office, the more successful the office usually is. This creates a win-win situation between the patient in the office. At the very least you have a more informed patient who is in the better positioned to make an informed decision about any proposed treatment.
Check back for our upcoming Seminars dates.